7. Aussie Parramatta

Aussie Parramatta is rank 7 in this year's Top 10 Brokerages

7. Aussie Parramatta

Aussie Parramatta strives for deeper relationships to better meet customer needs

Recent changes to LVRs, interest rate margins and interest-only lending have created challenges for Aussie Parramatta and other brokerages, but they have also presented opportunities for brokers to strengthen their value proposition and service offering.

“Compliance requirements and administration had to be built into our processes to ensure efficiency and consistency across our team while meeting obligations,”

Aussie Parramatta co-franchisee Ross Le Quesne tells MPA. Aussie Parramatta has actually reduced the number of brokers on staff to focus on processing quality loan applications and deepening its relationships with existing business referrals. Le Quesne says clients want not only a competitive rate and a speedy response and solution from their brokers but also to gain an education and receive personal service.

“We’re moving away from emails and non-personal communications to regular phone calls,” Le Quesne says about the team’s eff ort to increase customer retention and referrals. He advises brokers to stay updated on policies and products, and gain a thorough understanding of external business influences.